Archive for the ‘Abbey birthday’ Category

Eli, 16 months old.

January 19, 2014

Eli, 16 months old.

My great-nephew is rather advanced. We know that. Today he took his mummy’s phone, unlocked it, and took his first selfie. He is pretending to be a fish, apparently.
Clever child.

This kid was epic…

January 19, 2014

This kid was epic...

He loved the modelling clay.
He made a Dalek!
And got the accent right….
Exterminate. Exterminate.

Clearly a Doctor Who fan!

Eli and his handprint

January 19, 2014

Eli and his handprint

An arts and crafts party….

January 19, 2014

An arts and crafts party....

And one of the activities…

Madcap 5

January 18, 2014

Madcap 5

A successful party!

Abbey turns 5

January 18, 2014

Abbey turns 5

So cute!