Archive for the ‘Long service…. Kids’ Category

And now back to Washington DC

February 16, 2014

And now back to Washington DC

Natalie and Grandpa at the park.


February 15, 2014

Snow day again. Everyone home.

We decided again not to venture out. Yeah, I may be in Washington, but truly, I am a little tired of eating up and going somewhere, cold and wet… So…..

Fun, games, lazing, talking…. I wanted to see PEOPLE after all.

Andrew’s parents spent the afternoon here.

Then dinner, which Andrew, like Emil, cooked outside on tne BBQ, snow the snow. Bbqed lobster and chicken. Brownies for dessert. How American is that?!

Kinda sweet. Family custom dictates the name. Miss Rowena.

Washington’s Natalie enjoys the snow!

February 14, 2014

Washington's Natalie enjoys the snow!

Washington, warm and cosy…. Feb 14

February 14, 2014

Washington, warm and cosy.... Feb 14

Evie admires the smell of Mom’s coffee… Doesn’t like to drink it, just smell it.

Natalie plays in the snow

February 13, 2014

Natalie plays in the snow

Very unusual snow storm for the region

Eli, 16 months old.

January 19, 2014

Eli, 16 months old.

My great-nephew is rather advanced. We know that. Today he took his mummy’s phone, unlocked it, and took his first selfie. He is pretending to be a fish, apparently.
Clever child.

Abbey and the birthday party!

January 19, 2014

Dear Anna rented a room at the community centre, and planned an arts and crafts party for Abbey, who turned 5. About 10 kids and a handful of parents and siblings turned up.

Great fun! Painting, colouring, clay, stamping, and a big board for handprints.

Food suitable for Abbey and Eli, with their food allergies, which can be severe.

We all helped out. I was in charge of the handprints table…

And a very good time was had by all!

I am so pleased I was here for this. My gift was hair clips from Grand Turk, from this amazing shop. Things are bought in a neutral colour, but change into vibrant colours when exposed to sunlight. Abbey is into hair doodads. And animals…. Lots of animal things as gifts today.

This kid was epic…

January 19, 2014

This kid was epic...

He loved the modelling clay.
He made a Dalek!
And got the accent right….
Exterminate. Exterminate.

Clearly a Doctor Who fan!

Eli and his handprint

January 19, 2014

Eli and his handprint

Eli had his handprint added to the board…

January 19, 2014

Eli had his handprint added to the board...

With help from daddy.